What is Autism?

Links to information explaining more about autism

Autism is a life-long condition. Everyone is different and unique and will experience their aspects of autism in different ways and at different levels. The following links might be helpful in understanding more:
1. How national autism organisations explain aspects of autism
2. A short video about autism
3. A comic strip about the autism spectrum
4. Thoughts about autism

1. How national autism organisations explain aspects of autism

National Autistic Society -NAS: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism

AutisticUK: www.autisticuk.org/resources/about-autism/

Autistica: www.autistica.org.uk/what-is-autism/what-is-autism

Ambitious about Autism: www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/information-about-autism/understanding-autism

2. A short video about autism

The short video, ‘Amazing Things Happen’ was written and directed by Alex Amelines. It is available in many languages: https://amazingthingshappen.tv/?projects=amazing-things-happen

3. A comic strip about the autism spectrum

This is the first part of the comic strip ‘Understanding the Spectrum’, presented below with kind permission from creator Rebecca Burgess. To see the whole comic strip, go to: https://the-art-of-autism.com/understanding-the-spectrum-a-comic-strip-explanation/

See the rest of this comic strip about the autism spectrum on https://the-art-of-autism.com/understanding-the-spectrum-a-comic-strip-explanation/

4. Thoughts about autism

Below is a link to ‘The Art of Autism’ website pages where there are some thoughts about autism by various people including autistic adults, teenagers and youngsters, parents of autistic children, and autistic authors such as Temple Grandin and Naoki Higashida.