Money Matters
Information about financial services that may be applicable to adults and children who are on the autism spectrum and their families: Please check to confirm your eligibility and seek updated information.
At the bottom of this page there are details of organisations that give advice and information about financial support.
1. Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
2. Universal Credit
3. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
4. Disabled Persons Bus Pass
5. Disabled Persons Railcard
6. Blue Badge
7. Carer’s Allowance
8. Working Tax Credits
9. Child Benefit
10. Child Tax Credit
11. Housing Benefit
12. Income Support
13. Council Tax
14. Attendance Allowance
15. Appointees for someone claiming benefits
16. Access to Work Grant
17. Pension Credit
Organisations that give advice and information about financial support and other matters:
18. Citizens Advice North Yorkshire
19. Scarborough Disability Action Group (DAG)
20. Carers Plus Yorkshire
21. Advocacy Alliance Yorkshire
22. North Yorkshire Council SEND Financial Support
1. Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Personal Independent Payment (PIP): PIP is for people aged 16 and above who have not yet reached the state pension age. It can help them or a family member with some extra costs if they have long-term ill-health or a disability. The amount granted depends on how their health condition stops them from doing everyday activities.
To make a claim, call: 0800 9172222
Or write to: Claim a PIP1 Form, Personal Independence Payment New Claims, Post Handling Site B, Wolverhampton, WV99 1AH
2. Universal Credit
Universal Credit: This is a means-tested financial support for working age people who have low income and whose savings are below £16 000. It is paid monthly.
Apply online for Universal Credit:
Apply by phone: 0800 3285644, choose ‘Universal Credit Queries’
3. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA): ESA is a financial support for people aged 16 and above who have not yet reached the state pension age, and who cannot work or who have a limited ability to work because of a disability or health condition.
To claim ESA call JobCentre Plus: 0800 0556688
4. Disabled Persons Bus Pass
Disabled Persons Bus Pass: This enables travel without charge on local buses at off-peak times for people with disabilities. If the person needs someone to travel with them, they need to tick the ‘Plus-One’ box when they apply for their bus pass.
The bus pass can be applied for through the North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) website. Eligibility will be checked during the application process. A digital photo, a valid email address, and supporting evidence such as DLA or PIP letters or letter of diagnosis will be needed.
To apply for a bus pass:
Scarborough Library can help with applications: 01609 536 602
5. Disabled Persons Railcard
The Disabled Persons Railcard: The railcard is for people with a condition or disability that makes train travel challenging. The criteria for getting a railcard can be found on the website below.
Website: Phone: 0345 605 0525
Apply online:
6. Blue Badge
The Blue Badge Scheme: This may help those with conditions or disabilities which mean they need to park closer to their destination. More information about eligibility is to be found on the North Yorkshire County Council below.
North Yorkshire Council website:
7. Carer’s Allowance
Carer’s Allowance: This is a payment for those who spend 35 hours per week caring for a child or adult who receives certain disability benefits. The child or adult they care for needs to be in receipt of one of the following: the care component of DLA at middle rate or higher rate, the daily living components of the PIP, or Attendance Allowance. Applications can be made online or on the DS700 form.
Apply online: Phone for a copy of the form: 0800 731 0297
8. Working Tax Credits
Working Tax Credits: These are only available if the person applying already receives Child Tax Credit otherwise they will need to apply for Universal Credit. Working Tax Credits are to boost the income of working people on a low income. The person may be working for someone else or be self-employed. This money cannot be claimed if the person receives Universal Credit. Check government website for eligibility.
Phone: 0345 300 3900 Online:
9. Child Benefit
Child Benefit: This is for people bringing up a child who is under 16, or under 20 if they are in approved education or training. Only one parent/carer can claim Child Benefit for a child. Child Benefit can be claimed after registering the birth of the child, or when a child comes to live with the applicant. It is paid every 4 weeks and there is no limit on how many children can be claimed for.
To make a claim Fill in the child benefit form.
Claim Form:
10. Child Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit: This has been replaced by Universal Credit for most people. A new claim for Child Tax Credit is only possible if the applicant receives Working Tax Credit. To make a new claim for Child Tax Credit they would call HM Revenue and Customs. Claims can be made for up until the 31st August after the child’s 16th birthday or up to their 20th birthday if their child is in approved education. The amount they get will depend on various factors, including how many children they have.
To apply call: HMRC 0345 300 3900
11. Housing Benefit
Housing Benefit: This has been replaced by Universal Credit for most people. Housing Benefit can help people to pay the rent if they are unemployed, on a low income or claiming benefits. A new claim for Housing Benefit may be possible if the person receives a Severe Disability Premium or is entitled to it, or if they have reached State Pension Age, or are in supported, sheltered or temporary housing. Apply through the council.
Phone: 0300 1312131
12. Income Support
Income Support: This is no longer available to apply for, although some people might still receive it. If someone is on a low income and needs support with living costs, then they need to apply for Universal Credit.
Information on Income Support:
13. Council Tax
Council Tax Reduction Scheme: This is a discount off the council tax bill. It is means tested and takes into account most income, savings and personal circumstances. It can provide up to 87.5% discount off the council tax bill for working age people.
Website: Phone: 0300 1312131
Band Reduction for Disabilities: If eligible for this reduction then the council tax charge will be that of the valuation band below the current band. Eligibility is based on the dwelling having certain features mainly used by a disabled person who lives there, such as extra space for a wheelchair, or a kitchen, bathroom or other room which is mainly used by the disabled person and that is of major importance to their wellbeing.
To apply online: Phone: 0300 1312131
Council Tax discount for people providing care: This is a discount that depends on the number of ‘disregarded persons’ in the household. There is a list on the site of who might count as a ‘disregarded person’ for council tax charges – see ‘Council Tax Disregard’ on . This list includes carers or care-workers caring for someone within the household, full-time students, Youth Training Trainees, persons who are severely mentally impaired, and school or college leavers. The discount of 25% may be given if all but one member of the household count as disregarded for council tax charges.
In order to receive this discount for a carer or care-worker who cares for someone within the household a number of conditions need to be met. These include that the carer is providing at least 35 hours of care a week, and that the person being cared for is not a spouse, partner or child under 18. Also that the person being cared for is entitled to receive certain allowances or the daily living activity component of Personal Independence Payment.
Apply online: Phone: 0300 1312131
Persons who are severely mentally impaired – Council Tax Exemptions for the Scarborough Area: Speak to the council about a Class U exemption for a dwelling occupied only by a person or persons who is/are severely mentally impaired.
North Yorkshire Council: 0300 1312131
Annexe discount – Property Exemptions: If an annexe is occupied by a relative of the person living in the main house then that person could be eligible for a 50% reduction in council tax. If the person is living in the annexe alone, they should in addition be eligible for the 25% single occupier discount.
Speak to the council about a Class W exemption if the relative living in the annexe is dependent. This Class W exemption to council tax applies if the dependent relative is either aged 65 or older, or severely mentally impaired or substantially and permanently disabled.
North Yorkshire Council: 0300 1312131
14. Attendance Allowance
Attendance Allowance: This helps with extra costs and is for anyone needing care who meets the eligibility criteria. The criteria includes that the person needs to be of state pension age or above and have a disability severe enough that they need help caring for themselves or need someone to supervise them, for their own or someone else’s safety. It is not available to people who already get the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
About Attendance Allowance:
How to claim:
Attendance Allowance Helpline: 0800 7310122
15. Appointees for someone claiming benefits
Appointees for someone claiming benefits: Someone who is severely disabled or mentally incapable might need to have an appointee. The appointee can be from an organisation or be a friend or relative.The appointee can sign benefit claim forms, deal with the benefits office, and spend the benefit in the claimant’s best interests. To find out who to apply to will depend on the benefit being claimed.
For more information:
16. Access to Work Grant
The Access to Work Grant: This grant is to help a person to access their job. For example, it can be used to pay for support at work such as special equipment, or for suitable transport to work. It could also pay for support worker services to help them do things like attend meetings or talk to their employer. To access this grant they would need to be over 16 and have a disability or health condition that makes it hard for them to do parts of their job, or get to and from work.
For more information:
Ring: 0800 121 7479 Apply online:
17. Pension Credit
Pension Credit: This is a weekly benefit to boost a person’s income. It is based on how much money they have coming in. To claim Pension Credit a person needs to have reached State Pension age, live in the UK and not have too much income or savings. They can still be working as long as the income is not too high. They might get additional support if they are a carer, severely disabled or responsible for a child or young person. They can get pension credit even if they have savings or own their home. If they get pension credit they can also claim other supports including cost of living payments and free TV license if 75 or over. See government website for more details. Apply by phone, online or post.
For more information:
Ring: 0800 991234 Apply online:
18. Citizens Advice North Yorkshire
Citizens Advice North Yorkshire : This charity provides free, confidential and impartial advice to anyone. Advice is offered about money, benefits, housing, employment and other queries. Contact can be made by phone, online and in person. Information about many queries can also be found on their national website:
Advice line: 0808 278 7900 Citizens Advice North Yorkshire website:
19. Scarborough Disability Action Group (DAG)
Scarborough Disability Action Group (DAG): They offer information and advice on key disability issues. These include welfare benefits, community care, transport and equipment and other queries. The group offers volunteering opportunities and disability awareness training and much more. Their website offers more information about local services for disabled people and their families.
Contact: 01723 480029 Email:
Website: Facebook:
20. Carers Plus Yorkshire
Carers Plus Yorkshire: This charity helps unpaid carers who look after someone, including those who are on the autism spectrum, with support, advice and information. They can help in many ways including listening to carers, signposting carers to appropriate services and helping carers to maximise their income. They also support young carers from 8 upwards, including those carers who are on the autism spectrum.
Contact: 01723 850 155 Email:
Website: Facebook:
21. Advocacy Alliance Yorkshire
Advocacy Alliance: This charity helps those who are vulnerable to have their voice, views and wishes heard when decisions are being made. They also help to defend and safeguard individual rights.
Contact: 01723 363910 Email:
22. North Yorkshire Council (NYC)
SEND Financial Support: They offer advice about financial matters linked to SEND children and young people including rights, entitlements and managing money. They can also give information about services, grants funding and benefits that may be available to parents and carers.
Their website describes personal budgets for education and care. They also explain what direct payments are and signpost to further guidance about benefits, money management and Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
Contact: 0808 278 7900
If you know of further opportunities, please let us know: