Advice and Support

National and local organisations that can offer advice, support, guidance, including money matters and more to individuals and families

Local Family Support Groups
1. Yorkshire Coast Families

2. S.E.N.S.E.S. (Special Educational Needs Social and Emotional Support)
3. The Parent Pod

Local Advice Organisations
4. Scarborough Disability Action Group (DAG)
5. Citizens Advice North Yorkshire
6. Advocacy Alliance
7. Carers Plus Yorkshire

8. SENDIASS (The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service)
9. North Yorkshire Council – SEND Local Offer Information

National Organisations
10.The National Autistic Society
11. Autistica
12. Autistic UK CIC – Nothing about Autism without Autistics
13. The Art of Autism
14. Ambitious about Autism

Local Family Support Groups

1. Yorkshire Coast Families

Yorkshire Coast Families: This is a local, parent-led charity that supports families and young people who have additional needs. They organise social opportunities such as days out at Dalby Forest, picnics, beach chalet days and much more. These are great times to meet other families and build supportive relationships.
Phone: 01723 282101 07517352636

2. S.E.N.S.E.S.

All S.E.N.S.E.S sessions are free of charge. There is no need for a diagnosis or referral.
Walk and Talk Scheme This is a meeting between Corrie of S.E.N.S.E.S and one family at a time. This is an opportunity to chat generally or give specific support needed. This meeting can be on a shared walk or in a cafe.
Parent and toddler group for children with additional needs including those who are on the autism spectrum. The group offers structured and free play including multi-sensory experiences, stories and singing. There is a communal drink and snack time. They meet on Tuesdays at Westway Open Arms, Eastfield, and on Fridays at Oasis Family Centre, Scarborough. Both sessions are from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Coffee Mornings for any parent or carer of a child with additional needs: These are held a couple of times a month at Westway Open Arms, Eastfield, from 9.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Please see S.E.N.S.E.S Facebook page or website for this term’s dates. Children are welcome to attend.
Music Therapy: Welcoming, fun monthly music sessions at Westway Open Arms and Oasis Family Centre. These sessions are run by North Yorkshire Music Therapy Centre. Check S.E.N.S.E.S Facebook page for updates.
Contact: Corrie Connell Email:
Website: Facebook:

3.The Parent Pod

The Parent Pod: This is a welcoming group for parents and carers of children with additional needs. The aim is to have a break together whilst sharing support and information. Meetings are held on Fridays (often the last Friday of the month) from 10.00 to 11.30a.m downstairs at the Roscoe Rooms on Roscoe Street, Scarborough. Contact Alice via Facebook to find out when the next meeting will be. The Parent Pod also arranges many activities for children and young people in association with other organisations. Examples of these include skateboarding, multi-sports, soft play and a youth club.

Local Advice Organisations

4. Scarborough Disability Action Group (DAG)

Scarborough Disability Action Group (DAG): This charity offers information and advice on key disability issues. These include welfare benefits, community care, transport and equipment. The group offers volunteering opportunities and disability awareness training and much more. Please see website to find out more about its services to local disabled people and their families.
Contact: 01723 480029 Email:
Website: Facebook:

5. Citizens Advice North Yorkshire

Citizens Advice North Yorkshire : This charity provides free, confidential and impartial advice to anyone. Advice is offered about money, benefits, housing, employment and other queries. Contact can be made by phone, online and in person. Information about many queries can also be found on their national website:
Advice line:
0808 278 7900 Citizens Advice North Yorkshire website:

6. Advocacy Alliance

Advocacy Alliance: This charity helps those who are vulnerable, including those who are on the autism spectrum, to have their views and wishes heard when decisions are being made. They also help to defend and safeguard individual right
Contact: 01723 363910 Email:

7. Carers Plus Yorkshire

Carers Plus Yorkshire: This charity helps unpaid carers who look after someone, including those who are on the autism spectrum, with support, advice and information. They can help in many ways including listening to carers, signposting carers to appropriate services and helping carers to maximise their income. They also support young carers from 8 upwards, including those carers who are on the autism spectrum. They offer carers and families information and support in many ways including through coffee clubs, walks, socials, breakfasts, mindful photography and more. See their events calendar:
Contact: 01723 850 155 Email:
Website: Facebook:

8. SENDIASS North Yorkshire

SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service): This is an information, advice and support service offering free, confidential and impartial information and advice linked to special educational needs and disability. It is for young people 0-25 years and their parents and carers.
Phone: 01609 536923  Contact:

9. North Yorkshire Council – SEND Local Offer Information

SEND Local Offer: North Yorkshire Council provides information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for parents, carers and professionals. This includes an introduction to SEND, information about SEND Early Years support, SEND education, SEND education health and care plans, SEND financial support, SEND health and care, preparing for adulthood and library resources.
NYC Website:

National Organisations (Autism)

10. The National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society: NAS offers support and advice about all things relating to autism for autistic people and their families. Their online shop sells guide books about autism, NAS clothing and badges. Some leaflets in the shop are free including a guide about autism for police-officers and staff, and a leaflet called ‘I am autistic’.

11. Autistica

Autistica: Autistica is a research charity who work to improve the lives of all those affected by autism.

12. Autistic UK CIC – Nothing about Autism without Autistics

Autistic UK CIC – Nothing about Autism without Autistics: Autistic UK is an online network which shares support, thinking, resources and research about autism-linked areas.

13. The Art of Autism

The Art of Autism: The Art of Autism website has a wide range of creative and thought-provoking work by autistic people.

14. Ambitious about Autism

Ambitious about Autism: Ambitious about Autism offers a variety of services to support children and young people who are on the autism spectrum, and their families. This includes special education, employment services, youth participation, training and consultancy, policies and campaigns and awareness.

If you know of further opportunities, please let us know: